Thursday, December 16, 2010


I saved the plant.after give a shock to me. after robote saved me.after more robotes was followed us. The machine press the butten, so the people fall down. The people tried to safe.after robote(eva) saved him. Suddenly, one machine go down, so I tried to pull up the machine.but I failed and I crushed. The caption broken the machine. The caption and we came back to earth. after eva and I came my home and eva repaired me.   


Wednesday, December 15, 2010



The caption saw the plant in robote's (Eva) hart.after robote went to a repair. I flowed the robote.when robote is repaired, the machine put me in the box.and when I saw the robote, I take my laser and I broken the glass.and I run to meet the robote. after eva save me, and we go outside.and after we fly. after eva went to gave the plant to the caption. The machine want to take the plant and the machine throw the plant, but I save the plant.     

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Robote came my house.after I saw him my stuff. after I saw him one plant.after robote got positive energy. after I take him for my work. I put him in side and I do my work. Suddenly, I saw spaceship.and I saw that the robote is go in to the spaceship. after I run and Icatch the space ship. and after I followed the robote and I meet him.

Monday, December 13, 2010


I saw a solar energy. After I go outside of my home and  went to work. On the way back  home  suddenly, I saw a laser point. I flollowed it  and when I catch him ,suddenly I saw a fire. There was a hole in the ground . I looked up and saw a spaceship. Suddenly a robot came out.and we became friends. I invited him to my house to show him my stuff.


Friday, December 10, 2010


This is my first post and I am alone. I worked  throw a garbage. I worked 15 min with Wall-E. I put a things  proper place.

Hi,  Iam Wall-E. My old Wheel belt was broken.I watch a movie. After I came out side at my home and  I  show a danger by my machine and after I go back in my home. and I seat in to my bench.